Recognising the role and contributions of individuals and/or businesses towards being resilient and
bracing through the NEW Normal business era and making commendable yet sustainable progress
Promoting sustainable NEW Normal innovation, sustainable best practices and excellence in the
respective sectors;
Showcasing sustainable and innovative NEW Normal achievements by businesses and/or individuals in
the Malaysian and global business community;
Encourage and inspire home-grown businesses to aim for excellence in products and services
deliverable; – the NEW Normal way
Inspire local businesses to excel beyond the usual boundaries and promote Malaysia as centre of
sustainable business excellence in the NEW Normal era
Purposes of the Awards Programme
For some businesses, near-term survival was and almost became the only agenda item. Others are bracing
hard through the fog of uncertainty, thinking about how to position themselves once the crisis has passed
and things return to normal. We have faced many challenges as a human race and overcome them,
however the other side of each of these challenges has looked very different. 2020 took us all through a
total NEW dimension. Today, post pandemic zone new thinking: How can we leverage the volatile world
to look at new ways of doing business? The NEW normal will be different, and how we approach this
volatile time will depend on how we all come in and adapt the NEW outlook of doing business
The organiser are confident and believe the world will only succeed in delivering the Sustainable
Development Goals of the United Nations if we all start to think and work differently. That means a real
shift towards meaningful NEW Normal partnerships and collaboration between actors across the
industries from Governments to NGOs, and big businesses to SME to start-ups. Imagine what we can
achieve together.
This awards programme is to recognise and support brilliant business innovators tackling the planet’s
biggest current business, environmental and social challenges, and to help them achieve scale for impact.
We know that the world’s problems will only be solved with the ideas and talents of a new generation of
leaders and change makers who are challenging business as usual, and who are the future of sustainability.
We see a big opportunity to support, inspire, reward and collaborate with them, to help them scale and
grow – both as individuals and as enterprises.
There’s more, we want to continue bringing together more entrepreneurs and businesses than ever to
collaborate with big businesses – just like us – all under one roof. Imagine what we can achieve together.
During these trying times, we can all do more to adapt into the NEW Normal way of doing business. That
is the reason of the existence of this year’s awards programme.